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Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 8:14 pm
by nwscubamom
Hi guys!

Just got back from Monterey Bay where I participated in a survey of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary with REEF. We just launched their brand new invertebrate monitoring program and it was VERY cool seeing a lot of the same inverts that we have, but also different ones!

I'm getting the photos uploaded to my smugmug site:

OK, so on to the topic at hand...the invert class you guys want to schedule!

It would appear that we simply don't have enough folks to do the class - Saturday afternoon or Sunday dives won't work for our schedule unfortunately. :(

So, let me toss out a few alternatives:
1. I am teaching the invertebrates (and fish) at the Seattle Aquarium on June 10th. Although these classes don't have associated dives with them, they do cover the same invertebrates we'd do in class. Fish will be in the morning, Invertebrates in the afternoon. AND THE CLASSES ARE FREE. (thanks to a sponsorship from the SeaDoc Society)

2. If you take the classroom portion at the Aquarium, we can arrange to meet another time for 2 dives so you can get the PADI specialty card. I would charge you $75 for the dives and the certification. (Good towards your PADI Master Scuba Diver rating)

3. Another option is that I will be teaching the Fish class again (this time with boat dives) up on Orcas Island on Friday June 24th, and the invertebrates on Saturday, June 25th. Class in the morning, boat dives in the afternoon. The classroom part is free once again thanks to the SeaDoc Society, but the boat dives will cost - not sure how much for the two dives.

Any of these ideas strike your fancy?

- Janna :)

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 9:38 pm
by Dave
Janna I will see you at the Seattle Aquarium,,,,can't wait to see your Monterey pics!!!!!!!! \:D/

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 9:48 pm
by Dave
COOL PHOTOS JANNA!!!! How do you like the camera???

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 8:03 pm
by nwscubamom
I like it!! It does great for very close up shots, but I like my film camera too...still!

They each have their own things they excel at.

Great that you're signed up for the Seattle Aquarium!! I hope to see more of you guys there too. Can't beat the price, that's for sure!

- Janna :)

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 8:14 pm
by Tangfish
I'm planning on making it to the invertebrate ID class too. Do we need to sign up somewhere?

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 8:14 pm
by Tom Nic
I'll be at one of your classes, either at the Seattle Acquarium, or at Orcas! I do want to do the PADI specialty, so we'll talk about doing the dives as well.

Thanks Janna!

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 8:18 pm
by Tom Nic
Also, my calendar shows June 24 as a Saturday, not a Friday....

Is my calendar off or yours????

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 8:27 pm
by nwscubamom
Tom, both our calendars are right - it's my brain that's off a tad bit there!!!

FRIDAY June 23rd, and Sat June 24th. :D

The SeaDoc Society is sponsoring both classes, so here's their info:

To register for the classes go to or send email to Lavonne Hull at Please indicate whether you will attend both sessions or the Fish or Invertebrate session only.

Should be a fun time!

- Janna :)

Clearing up some confusion!

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 6:53 am
by nwscubamom
The free classes are going to be as follows:
Saturday June 10th, Seattle Aquarium, both fish and invertebrate classes are taught, no accompanying dives.

Friday JULY 28th - Orcas Island, Fish ID class with dives (you'll have to pay to go on the boat dives, but the class is free) Class in morning, dives in afternoon.

Saturday, July 29th - Orcas Island Invertebrate ID class with dives. Same thing - free class in am, dives (pay) in afternoon.

Note that the JUNE Orcas classes I previously mentioned, were moved to JULY!

I hope this will work for some of you!!!

- Janna :)