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New Student at UW Looking to do some PNW Diving

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 8:53 am
by njnigam
Hi Everyone,

I just moved in at UW, and I'm very, very excited to do some diving in the Pacific North West. I was certified three years ago in Southern California, so I'm experienced in cold water and I have about 10 dives with my new drysuit. Once I'm situated, I'm hoping to go diving almost every week if possible. I love underwater photography and I'm willing to dive any time that I am free! This looks like a really nice and active diving community so I can't wait to meet all of you!


Re: New Student at UW Looking to do some PNW Diving

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 11:51 am
by seattlepaul1975
Welcome to the board!

Re: New Student at UW Looking to do some PNW Diving

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 4:30 pm
by Penopolypants
Welcome! We have weekly dives all over the Sound, and everyone is welcome. Check out the dive planning forum here:

The WWW dives at Alki on Wednesdays would probably be the closest to you, but you are welcome to join any of them. Also, we're having a club dive/bbq on the 28th that you are welcome to attend as well. Information for that may be found here:

Welcome to the board, and to Seattle!

Re: New Student at UW Looking to do some PNW Diving

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 8:53 pm
by LCF
Nirupam comes vetted and enthusiastically approved by my beloved dive buddy Claudette Dorsey -- which means his skills are solid and his interest in marine life is avid and joyful. I can't wait to meet him and dive with him, but y'all should definitely try to beat me to it.

Re: New Student at UW Looking to do some PNW Diving

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 11:37 pm
by njnigam
Thank you for the welcome! I am already planning to attend the WWW dive and the club dive this Saturday!

I just have two questions about the club: Is there a fee to join the club? Also, do you guys do club meetings?

Re: New Student at UW Looking to do some PNW Diving

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 7:38 am
by Dusty2
No fees, No meetings. You are a club member just by signing in and most of the info is right here on the board. Also no fees or requirements for the various weekly dives. You will find that our members are a open and fun group who welcome new dive buddies. As far as critter watchers and photographers you will find we have a large and active group.

Re: New Student at UW Looking to do some PNW Diving

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 9:15 pm
by winte.r
Welcome, I'm a senior this year, FYI I've also I've found reference to a UW student dive club, the Underdawgs but I can't figure out if they are active or not

Re: New Student at UW Looking to do some PNW Diving

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 12:51 am
by renoun
winte.r wrote:Underdawgs but I can't figure out if they are active or not
I knew people where trying to revive the organization three or so years ago but have the impression that they have moved on. There are niches of scientific diving in various departments where you would expect them and the engineering students have a human powered submarine with support divers and its operators. There are a few divers in the sailing club too.

Re: New Student at UW Looking to do some PNW Diving

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 3:17 am
by Micah
Welcome to the board! As a fellow UW student (sophomore), I'm excited to see some Husky divers! I live about 10 miles away from campus and am always looking for a dive buddy! You should come to the WWW this Wednesday at Alki and meet the whole gang.
Winter, I posted on the underdawgs site about a year ago with no response.... I think it is safe to say the club is dead. Wanna revive it??

Re: New Student at UW Looking to do some PNW Diving

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 6:06 pm
by winte.r
Micah wrote:Welcome to the board! As a fellow UW student (sophomore), I'm excited to see some Husky divers! I live about 10 miles away from campus and am always looking for a dive buddy! You should come to the WWW this Wednesday at Alki and meet the whole gang.
Winter, I posted on the underdawgs site about a year ago with no response.... I think it is safe to say the club is dead. Wanna revive it??
What's funny is I live 50 miles away so I'm usually hitting the ThThTh Redondo dive if I can, It'd be fun to be an Underdawg , we only need 4 more students to be an RSO....which by the way in my line of work stands for Registered Sex Offender....sigh..

Re: New Student at UW Looking to do some PNW Diving

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 10:32 am
by Mortuus
Well, if any of you guys are still at UW in a year and a half, I would love to get a diving club started up there. I will be transfering to UW after I get my AS. It'd be great to know people from my college who dive

Re: New Student at UW Looking to do some PNW Diving

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 11:13 am
by Micah
I'd love to start up the Underdawgs again, only problem is I don't know any other students who dive. Maybe its because college students are notorious for being broke...