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For those that have skillz

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 11:09 pm
by Dusty2
This has nothing to do with diving but since we have many craftsmen i out midst I thought I would post this. We marvel at today's technology and think we have come so far and are so far advanced from old world tech. Take a look at this piece of furnature craft surpasses anything we could possibly dream up let lone make! This is 200 years old, completely made by hand using hand tools, some of which were probably made by the artisan just for this project. There are no batteries, wires, motors, or electronics nor did the craftsman even know of their existence. Yet after 200 years it still works as designed and the artwork is mind boggling!
phpBB [video]

This is his personal writing desk. What appears to be artwork is actually pieces of different colors and textures of wood fit together without a hairs separation. These works were done by David Roentgen and Abraham Roentgen and are priceless. For anyone interested there are several you tube videos about their work
phpBB [video]