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27-jun-2020: edmonds

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 9:29 pm
by iotium
The wife/buddy and I only had 1 full tank each and wanted to do a long dive so naturally we thought of Edmonds. We showed up on a foggy + rainy saturday and found what appeared to be a dive class being taught for 10-15 year old kids with drysuits. Seeing a dozen middle school-age kids with DUI drysuits really gives a whole new class of ammunition for proving to my parents that they never really loved me.

Visibility was a craptacular 5-10 ft and made us very appreciative of the rope trail network. Like any good married couple at the 45 minute mark we got into an argument about navigation, writing on a slate passed back and forth. This escalated to surfacing at a buoy to argue more effectively but once that was over (she was right of course) the wife/buddy had some sinus issues going back down so we had a long surface swim back to shore.

All the cinder blocks on the rope trails were absolutely covered in shrimp and the kelp seemed to have nudibranchs everywhere you looked. We saw a few larger critters like lingcod and cabezon but mostly it was a dive for the little guys.
suspicious lingcod
suspicious lingcod
wife/buddy looking murky and smug with her navigational prowess
wife/buddy looking murky and smug with her navigational prowess
good day for shrimp
good day for shrimp