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2 weeks in Bonaire

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 11:04 pm
by Ken G
I just got home from two weeks in Bonaire and had an amazing time.

My wife Jenya and I stayed at the Golden Reef Resort and did the Dive, Stay, Drive package. We also got the unlimited nitrox upgrade.

The setup was a very basic 1 bedroom apartment with a kitchen and a/c. It was fine but far from luxury. We also got a 4 door pickup truck with a tank rack.

It took us almost 20 hours from the time we left our house until we arrived at our apartment just north of the main town of Kralendyk. American Airlines was not great and I dont think I will fly with them again.

The diving was good. Water temp was a consistent 81 degrees. No change at depth. Vis was 70 feet at its worst and 100 plus at best. Days after it rained brought out particles in the water but 70 feet is 70 feet. No complaints.

The marine life was impressive. Highlights were turtles, eagle rays, southern sting rays, mantis shrimp, reef squid, and at least 5 species of eel. I loved the garden eels! Other divers saw dolphins, a manta, and a hump back off the east coast.

The coral and sponges were enormous. Some of the purple tube sponges were at least 8 feet tall.

Food was mixed. I had some of the best meals I have ever had and some mediocre at best. We loved Wil's tropical grill, Bobbyjans BBQ, and Pasa Bon Pizza. I did not care so much for Donna and Georgios, and Cactus Blue. For lunches there is a small shawarma place just north of the round about at the Sand Dollar mini market.

Bonaire topside was cool. It is a desert island about 110 square miles. We could drive from tip to tip in about 30 min or so. The 70 or so sites are broken up into northern, town, southern and Bonaire Klein. We pretty much stuck to the north and south. We found the town sites good for night dives and messing around on small wrecks that line the coast.

Mosquito's were pretty bad. Topside temp was 80 with a constant breeze. Felt like a fan was on the whole time. It was sunny mostly with a few rainy times. Weather was great.

There is a double reef system in the south that we loved to dive. While some of the northern sites were more like wall diving. Sites that stood out for us were Aquarius, The Lake, Karpata, Thousand Steps, Angel City, Alice in Wonderland. We also dove the Hilma Hooker. It is a 235 foot cargo ship that was sunk in about 90 fsw. Very cool dive.

Our last day was Carnival. Not a bad way to spend our last day as we could not dive.

The photos are my first try at underwater photography. So excuse the quality. I think I have the bug thought and am ready to buy a camera, housing, and strobe. Jackie was kind enough to loan me her camera for the trip. (Thanks Jackie!)

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 11:13 pm
by Diver_C
Looks like an awesome time!

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 12:38 am
by mancub
Sweet! Ah, I gotta go there someday. all-you-can-eat tanks, a truck, and some of the best shore diving in the world...sounds like an awesome time to me. Thanks for sharing some sites, places you liked, and pictures, they look good to me especially for a first time shooting underwater. That is great how there is a painted rock marking the dive site.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 7:46 am
by Grateful Diver
Bonaire is definitely my favorite place to go in the Caribbean ... looks like you had an awesome time.

FWIW - mantis shrimp? I wasn't aware they had those little buggers in Bonaire ... ... 791419.jpg

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:08 am
by Sounder
81 degrees?! SWEEET!! \:D/

Ken - what were you wearing for exposure protection? Was it enough?

18 days and counting!! \:D/ :bounce: \:D/ :bounce:

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:37 am
by Ken G
Sounder wrote:81 degrees?! SWEEET!! \:D/

Ken - what were you wearing for exposure protection? Was it enough?

18 days and counting!! \:D/ :bounce: \:D/ :bounce:
I started with a 3/2 full suit and Jenya a 5/4. We were both cold so we added a 2mm hood but wound up throwing a 3mm shorty over the full suits. Most people were fine with 3mm fulls. When I go back I would bring my 5/4. I think for my skinny ass it would be about perfect. Those shorty's wound up costing me $10 a day times two for two weeks.

80-81 is warm but that many dives a day does bring down your temp.

Bring a good pair of boots as well. I used low tops but would recommend high tops. My ankles are beat up. Scratched, sunburned, and covered in mosquito bites. The soles should be hard for all the coral rubble and tough enterances.

Twins and deco bottles can be rented on island if your interested. I think this could be fun.

Let me know if there is anything else you want to know?

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:41 am
by Ken G
Grateful Diver wrote:Bonaire is definitely my favorite place to go in the Caribbean ... looks like you had an awesome time.

FWIW - mantis shrimp? I wasn't aware they had those little buggers in Bonaire ... ... 791419.jpg

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I did not think they were there as well. I will post a picture. We found a few of them in the sand at the base of the Hilma Hooker. It looks exactly like the ones I have seen photos of except that it was white.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 9:20 am
by Sounder
That's good to know, thanks. Yes, being in the water as much as people like us are will drop the core temperature. Calories, hydration, and good SI's should help, but it sounds like my planned suits (3/2 and 1mm skin, which can be worn together along with a beanie if necessary) will be enough and flexible enough.

Mosquitos eh? I'll bring plenty of deet and an itch stick... thanks for the heads up. I wouldn't have guessed them being there.

Any other nuggets of wisdom?

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 9:49 am
by scottsax
I looked at the State Department's website and saw that, like in may tropical locales, dengue fever and/or malaria could be an issue with the mosquitoes. Did you notice warning signs anywhere about that? I'm going in June, and, having had Type I dengue, I'm more susceptible to the other, more virulent strains.

Your pictures are freaking AWESOME! I can't wait.... :bounce:

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 10:13 am
by scottsax
scottsax wrote:I looked at the State Department's website...
Actually it was the CDC. They say that dengue is throughout the Caribbean and the particular species of mossie that carries it lives there too.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 10:45 am
by jackieg
Thanks for sharing, Ken! Awesome photos for your first experience!
(and I am glad the camera behaved itself!)


Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:27 am
by Pinkpadigal
Thank you for the heads up about mosquitos. I thought we would be free of the pests, compared to Roatan, but it sounds like it pays to be prepared.

Thanks for the photos. I can't wait till August.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:39 am
by scottsax
Hmm... mosquito bites I can handle. Horrible hemorrhagic fevers I can't. I wonder if the CDC's being overly cautious, or if dengue is truly an issue. In other countries I've visited where it's borderline pandemic, they have intensive public awareness campaigns about it.

Did you see signs/billboards/tv or radio commercials talking about dengue fever when you were there?

Still can't wait to go. 4 months today until I'm in that clear blue water.


Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:57 am
by Ken G
scottsax wrote:Hmm... mosquito bites I can handle. Horrible hemorrhagic fevers I can't. I wonder if the CDC's being overly cautious, or if dengue is truly an issue. In other countries I've visited where it's borderline pandemic, they have intensive public awareness campaigns about it.

Did you see signs/billboards/tv or radio commercials talking about dengue fever when you were there?

Still can't wait to go. 4 months today until I'm in that clear blue water.

I saw or heard nothing about Dengue.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:59 am
by scottsax
Ken G wrote:I saw or heard nothing about Dengue.
Good deal! Sometimes the CDC and State Department get a little overzealous in their warnings.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:46 pm
by Ken G
Grateful Diver wrote:Bonaire is definitely my favorite place to go in the Caribbean ... looks like you had an awesome time.

FWIW - mantis shrimp? I wasn't aware they had those little buggers in Bonaire ... ... 791419.jpg

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

<a href="" title="bonaire-creatures (68) by jenya_gustafson, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 19a8_o.jpg" width="800" height="800" alt="bonaire-creatures (68)"></a>

<a href="" title="bonaire-creatures (69) by jenya_gustafson, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 318a_o.jpg" width="800" height="800" alt="bonaire-creatures (69)"></a>

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 2:17 am
Those are some great pictures!!!! =D> =D>
Yeah, I'm convinced!
After Tom-Nic and Sounder scope it out. I'll be going some day for sure!

For as many who have gone or who are going soon, by this time next year, there should be a club dive there!
