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Anchor lost in the Columbia, need Oregon divers help :)

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 10:26 am
by pdxsailboat
I posted this in the "dive planning" area, but I don't think that was probably the right place? Maybe an admin can help with that. Im not sure. Anyway, I lost 200' of chain and an anchor in 50-60' of water in the Columbia River last weekend. I was wondering if anyone here would be able to help retrieve it, or could point me to someone who could help? I know where the anchor and chain is within about a 20' radius. I don't have a bunch of cash to pay a salvage diver or something to go get it, but another boater recommended I get ahold of a local diving club that might be adventurous, and offer a couple cases of beer :) Theres a bit of current invloved, but not too much. I don't know much about diving, so feel free to ask a bunch of questions, and I'll try to give as much info as possible.

Thanks in advance. Feel free to reply here, email me at

Re: Anchor lost in the Columbia, need Oregon divers help :)

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 8:57 pm
by selkie
E mail sent.

Re: Anchor lost in the Columbia, need Oregon divers help :)

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 5:36 am
by bob
Not sure were you lost it but i live in warrenton . Have big lift bag!