The end of my diving career

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John Rawlings
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The end of my diving career

Post by John Rawlings »

As many of my diving friends know, I had my 5th sinus surgery last week in an effort to be able to return to scuba diving. The goal was to eliminate most, if not all, of the reactive bone growth between my two frontal sinuses as well as the excess bone that has grown within the sinuses themselves in response to the chronic sinus infections I have had for years caused by my "Good's Syndrome". Along the way I have taken dozens of different meds, antibiotics, and steroids....none had anything beyond a brief, temporary effect.

The surgery was long (3 hours+) and pretty extensive. Bottom line: it was NOT successful. Once they bore their way in by grinding they discovered that my particular anatomy was such that going any farther than they did would have been extremely dangerous - either harming my sight in front by breaking through my orbits, or causing leaks of brain fluid from the rear and sides. The only surgical possibility left is called "frontal sinus obliteration", and that option is so bad, in my opinion, that I will never choose to go through it.

My Good's Syndrome has as one of its primary symptoms chronic sinus infections. My chronic sinus infections cause constant drainage of mucous, and that constant drainage has negatively impacted my lungs. Additionally, my body has responded by excessive bone growth within the sinuses in an effort to protect itself from the infections. Having constricted areas of my sinuses and, in particular, my lungs, makes diving extraordinarily dangerous for me as any such blockages can cause a variety of pressure damage and decompression sicknesses. My Pulmonary doctor, herself an avid diver, has recommended for years that I consider giving up diving. I have fought against that, thinking that I could somehow overcome my physical problems with medication and surgery. She has done whatever she could to help me with that over the past few years. It was not to be, however, and over time the situation has only gradually worsened.

I could probably dive from time to time and "luck out", but the risk of a terrible DCS hit, a Type II hit to my lungs especially, on even a shallow dive would always be there. I am forced to admit now that this is a risk no longer worth taking and will be hanging up my fins after over 35 years as a diver. I was hoping to pull a "Stan Waterman" and dive well into my 80's, and I am having a huge problem mentally dealing with that failure....

There will be a lot of scuba gear and underwater photography equipment for sale in the near future if anyone is interested. I shall be posting things here, and probably on The Deco Stop, Rebreather World, and Scubaboard.

Since a Moderator that cannot dive makes about as much sense as being a fish out of water, I have tendered my resignation as a Mod to Calvin and the rest of the team. I have very much enjoyed being part of the Mod team, and NWDC has long been my home on the web...that is something that I shall also miss.

- John
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Re: The end of my diving career

Post by Bric Martin »


Reading this breaks my heart. You are a true gentleman in every way. I wish you all the best in the world. Get healthy.
Bric Martin

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Re: The end of my diving career

Post by enchantmentdivi »

John, my best wishes to you. As Bric said, reading this breaks my heart. And, between your situation and Curt's, it makes me think about my own diving "mortality." I hope to have as many years as you. All of our diving careers will come to an end someday due to health, age, etc, and it is sobering to think of when mine will end. Until then, I will strive to enjoy and cherish each dive, trip, buddy, and experience to the fullest. A big bear hug to you...
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Re: The end of my diving career

Post by Grateful Diver »

John ... really sorry to read that. I'm going to miss diving with one of the most class acts I've ever met.

But I'd urge you to reconsider this resignation thing. Perhaps you need some time away from it for a while ... but this isn't just about diving. It's about the friends you've made here, the experience you bring to the table, and the judgment that you've demonstrated over the years. That ain't gonna change.

Give it some thought ... you're a huge part of what has made this community successful ... and you have a LOT of friends here. And whether you're actively diving or not, it will always be a part of who you are ...

... Bob (Grateful DIver)
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Re: The end of my diving career

Post by ljjames »

+ 1 to what Bob said...

Huge hugs...
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Re: The end of my diving career

Post by defied »


No bueno, home boy.

The benefit to this is that you have a whole life ahead of you to experience some other amazing aspect of our planet. Travel! Fly! Enjoy!

I hope you hang out, but I understand if it's too difficult for you, and I wish you the best.

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Re: The end of my diving career

Post by CaptnJack »

All the best John. You still have your non-diving health, your family, dry photography, travel, writing... I hope you get well and continue your personal adventures however you wish.
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Re: The end of my diving career

Post by spatman »

John, you have been instrumental in the development of a good number of us (myself included) both as divers and as people, and that will never be forgotten. Please stay in contact when you can. We're going to miss you, John, in many, many ways.
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Re: The end of my diving career

Post by Jaksonbrown »

Dammit John,

I am so very sorry to hear this. Although I have only met and associated with you topside, and have not had the pleasure of diving with you, I have come to respect and admire you a great deal. You have been a friend to me when most would not. You have always been fair, upfront and honest with me. I too, hate to see you leave this board, and much more so to fade out of this community. Please dont. Although I too understand what it is like to have to give up a sport you truly love and how hard it is to remain around it and not participate.
You have my deepest sympathies my friend.

So....., since your now looking for a new hobby to occupy some of that free time, might I suggest FISHING!!!! I know a guy with an awesome new boat that could really use a first mate and all around fishing buddy! I dont know about you, but the second best thing to being under the water, is being out there on top of it.

Keep in touch big guy!

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Re: The end of my diving career

Post by dwashbur »

That is awful. Still, if the alternative is risking a life-threatening hit, then it's the right decision. I do want to echo what Bob said. There's more to being a moderator and member of this group than just the ability to dive. The wisdom, experience and insight that you have amassed in your diving career is worth its weight in nudibranchs to newer divers/members as well as those of us with a little more experience. Please stay with us; we need you.

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Jan K
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Re: The end of my diving career

Post by Jan K »

Grateful Diver wrote:John ... really sorry to read that. I'm going to miss diving with one of the most class acts I've ever met.

But I'd urge you to reconsider this resignation thing. Perhaps you need some time away from it for a while ... but this isn't just about diving. It's about the friends you've made here, the experience you bring to the table, and the judgment that you've demonstrated over the years. That ain't gonna change.

Give it some thought ... you're a huge part of what has made this community successful ... and you have a LOT of friends here. And whether you're actively diving or not, it will always be a part of who you are ...

... Bob (Grateful DIver)
What a heart breaking news. I too am hoping that you will stick around here, for your 45 years of experience
isn't easily replaceable, you were always a voice of reason and many of us here don't even come close to
the knowledge of local waters you gain in your diving.
If you do decide to depart, I hope you find new venue to apply your great talents. I will miss you for sure.
Good luck.

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Re: The end of my diving career

Post by oldsalt »

John: You have my sympathy. Since I joined the board, other club members keep telling me, "You must meet John Rawlings. You have so much in common. You will really like him." Giving up diving is a big deal to us, but it is not death. I know we have both gone through life threatening experiences earlier in our lives, and that flavors our view of events. Last week when I was in intensive care, the doctor said to me, "You must be feeling horrible, but you are still upbeat. You must be the most glass half-full person I have met." I responded, "Yes doc, and it is a big glass." I sense that it is the same with you. Perhaps we can get together and share a coffee (Cafeine is o.k. in moderation. No exercise, no alcohol, no sex, and no diving.) since I can't go for a run or a beer. Good luck. There is still a lot to life.
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Re: The end of my diving career

Post by Octoloco »

Bric Martin wrote:John

Reading this breaks my heart. You are a true gentleman in every way. I wish you all the best in the world. Get healthy.

Larry and I have great memories of dive trips with you to Port Hardy as well as other gatherings.

While you'll definitely be missed under water, here's proof that you can still be a good dive buddy above water!! Last time we were in Port Hardy you offered me shelter from the wind while orca watching and believe me - it was much appreciated! Proof of a true gentleman!
We hope that you and your family enjoy many great topside adventures together.
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Re: The end of my diving career

Post by Dusty2 »

Wow John, I really sad to see another senior dropping out of our sport. I sincerely you won't desert us completely. I know it's a hard nut to crack but you are loved here and none of us wants to loose another friend. Between you and Curt you are really making me feel old! As everyone else has said you are an asset to the sport and to all of us here in the northwest and your story telling skills would be very hard to replace. Consider carefully, I know it will be tough being on the side lines but we all would miss having you around.

Besides I don't want to be the only old dude around. :rawlings: :rawlings:
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Re: The end of my diving career

Post by deep diver »

This saddens me so much but hope to still see some posts from time to time. Stay healthy that is the most important thing
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Re: The end of my diving career

Post by Mortuus »

This was indeed a very sad post. While I never met you John, I can still imagine (if only but a fragment of) how difficult this must be. I too hope that you continue to remain active in the PNW dive community. You are a voice of tremendous knowledge and experience, and it would be terrible to see it cut short. If you do choose to keep your presence to a minimum, then I thank you for all the effort and dedication you have put into this sport and this community over the years. While I wasn't around to see most of it, I can get a sense of your importance here based on the stories and responses of other long-term PNW divers. I wish you the best of luck in whatever paths you may choose to travel next! As defied said, there is still a lot to do out there! Hopefully some great new opportunities find their way to your doorstep.

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Re: The end of my diving career

Post by Jeff Pack »

wow, all I can say is total bummer! But health is the most important. I too hop eyou'll stick around. The level of knowledge and experience you can offer others is beyond words.

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Re: The end of my diving career

Post by Scubie Doo »

Sorry to hear this. Even though we have not officially met, it is funny how you feel you know people because of this board. I agree with others and hope to continue to hear from you.
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Re: The end of my diving career

Post by fmerkel »

I am upset with this on a number of levels. Having to quit diving is a real life changer for you. Having to deal with you health issues has just got to be a daunting affair. My best wishes in coping with both. If I can be of any help let me know.
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Re: The end of my diving career

Post by LowDrag »


As others have said, we have not met but I am saddened by this terrible news. I have been a member here only a short time but I have enjoyed reading your posts. I trust you will make the right choice for you but hope that once the shock of having to deal with this you will decide to stay and share your knowledge and wisdom. I completely understand getting news of a medical change in your life... it sucks, sometimes it sucks worse than others. Take care of yourself.

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Re: The end of my diving career

Post by Gdog »

We have never officially met, but I have seen and heard much about you. While I understand this is an emotional decision, I would ask you to consider what Bob said. The value of a tenured very experienced diver to the rest of us is beyond measure. I have been diving only 10 years; just long enough to understand how much more I have to learn. And from whom will I learn this from? I have a next door neighbor, Dan Eason. He is in your class of diving. I visit him and eagerly glean tidbits of valuable knowledge from him. I cannot express how valuable this info is. And that is what you will always have to offer to many of us. You will always be a diver; after 35 years its in your blood and bones. I hope you consider staying with NWDC in some capacity. I hope to meet you officially some day and sit and bs with you.

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Re: The end of my diving career

Post by Norris »

It was sitting around on my first club dive listening to a story about the Warren car dive that I met you. Since then I have had a great couple bullsh*t sessions with you and have to say I am truly saddened by this news.
35 years of diving though? What a blessing that you can say that. I am on my fifth year and have only experienced a CRUMB in the breadbox of diving that you have experienced. Regardless of the ability to dive I consider you a friend and feel that you offer so much here in this community. I certainly respect you as a diver and I feel you have a lot to offer future, present, and seasoned SCUBA peeps alike. I hope to see no less of you!
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Re: The end of my diving career

Post by Waynne Fowler »

While it is sad that you're not going to be diving anymore, John, what is wonderful is that you had 35 years of doing some things that most people only dream of. I don't think you will ever fully understand or know the impact you've had on the diving community around here, Sir. Your photography has inspired people to become divers here, your articles inspire people to keep diving and seek new places to do so. Your kindness and patience serve as great examples of how we as a community and individuals should interact with each other not just while diving but in everyday life.
I hope that as others have stated ....that you re-think your full retirement from the community. While it may feel to you at this moment that you have nothing further to offer, those of us who have watched you over the years know that nothing could be further from the truth.
This could be just the beginning of another phase of your contributions to the dive community, but whatever you decide, John, everyone wishes you the very best. Know too that the name John Rawlings will be held in the highest regard long after anyone who is reading this today is gone.

You are an incredible gentleman, John. You have my greatest respect and admiration.
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Re: The end of my diving career

Post by eliseaboo »

I don't know what to say that hasn't already been said, except to wish you well on this next chapter of life. :salute:

You've obviously positively impacted the dive world all around the US, and I hope you are proud of that, and have lots of good memories! Stay in touch.
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Re: The end of my diving career

Post by ArcticDiver »

John, we have never met, but I have always valued your work and comments. It is not a trite thing to say that with your talent and wisdom it is sure you will continue to do productive and satisfying things.
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