Diver from WI seeking buddy this week!

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I've Got Gills
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Diver from WI seeking buddy this week!

Post by eliseaboo »

Hello divers!

I had introduced myself a while back (http://www.nwdiveclub.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=6581) thinking I'd be around beginning March 5 or so. As it turns out, we made good time driving out here and we're here ahead of schedule!! I start training for my job the morning of March 5, after which time I'll only be free one day and a few nights a week. However, if anyone is free for a dive this week, or would even like to grab dinner or a drink :occasion5: so I could meet some dive buddies, let me know :)

I have managed to round up nearly a full set of equipment from my buddies back in Madison, except for a compass and a good pair of dive mitts/gloves, so I should be nearly set to go diving! I just finished my second log book (yay!) and my most recent dive was under the ice Feb 8th. I'll be on Orcas Island, and though I'm willing to travel a little bit I won't be taking my car off the island and am not familiar with the area. I'd need a bit of direction if I'm going elsewhere...

That's all I can think of about me right now...looking forward to meeting some of you!!

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I've Got Gills
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Re: Diver from WI seeking buddy this week!

Post by Sounder »

What are you doing on Orcas Island?

Taking your car off-island is quite easy - Washington has the largest ferry system in the country (world?). You won't be making day-trips to Cove 2 in West Seattle "just because," but you could easily do a weekend or an overnight... and there are lots of people who have extra bedrooms to share if you want to stay over.
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I've Got Gills
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Re: Diver from WI seeking buddy this week!

Post by eliseaboo »

Well, I just got here this morning and driving in the Seattle area makes me crazy since I'm not familiar with the area. I'm willing to hop on a ferry myself though.

I'm working at the YMCA camp on Orcas Island. As such, I'd probably not have a lot of, if any, free weekends, since I'll be working odd combinations of days with only one full day off each week, which won't be a weekend day. Not sure if that makes any sense...basically weekend trips would be difficult if not impossible for me until my employment is over in June.
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