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Re: solo diving

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 9:28 am
by LCF
Kelly, do you remember how quickly and neatly we solved Peter's bad gas problem the other night? Wasn't that better than having him launch for the surface and hope?

Although I rarely do it (and so far, only for things like setting floats for classes) I have nothing intrinsically AGAINST solo diving, for those who want to do it and who have the experience and the equipment to mitigate the risks. I believe that people should be free to free climb or do extreme skiing or any number of other high-risk activities (heck, I dive in CAVES). But I do think it isn't a great idea to do any of those things until your skills at a basic level of the sport are really solid, and in diving, I also think it's important to have some significant insight into how YOU handle problems underwater.

I have had a buddy who was a strong diver and had about 40 dives under his belt, totally panic and behave absolutely irrationally because of a flooded mask. He almost quit diving over it. I have had an episode of complete disorientation and vertigo in dark water, at the top of a wall where I didn't know where the bottom was and I couldn't see. I found out that day that I CAN stare panic in the face and push back at it. I also found out how close to us it lives in the water.

I think anyone who is thinking about diving alone, should have had some experiences with things going wrong to the point where they really had to grab themselves by the nape of the neck and say, "Shape up and focus!" Because when things go wrong in the water when you are alone, that's precisely what you have to do; but unlike when you dive as part of a team, you have no fallback if your efforts to pull yourself together aren't adequate.

I CAN dive alone; I choose not to, mostly because I have a pretty amazing supply of good dive buddies (more, actually, than I can find time to dive with), because I really enjoy sharing the wonders of the dive with someone else, and because diving as a team is part of the fun of the dive for me.

Re: solo diving

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 11:21 pm
by spudgunman
thanks for the feedback Lynn. :) I agree about the risk mitigation I am going to wait for a long while and pick up a pony before I dive solo, and yes I agree about the great supply of buddies, its more fun to dive with experienced people to learn from them. I just find that the alone time underwater is quite uplifting and more looking for a rare ...moment alone in the big fast world. but no rush on my part, agree with the statements made by all those more experienced and wiser!!!

Re: solo diving

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:57 pm
by BlowBubbles
I agree with the previous posts that its not for everyone. Besides having redundant equipment and thinking of contingencies for all posible problems is being vary familiar with the dive site. I used to solo dive when I lived in NC and dove in a lake in SC. I was comfortable with it.

Having a spouse who does not dive, when traveling I'm frequently pared with someone whom I don't know. I frequently get paired with the DM who quickly asses my competancy and ends up helping other newer divers. I maybe with others but its still a solo dive. I make carefull checks of my equipment watch myself. A good new thread would be what safety equipment for different environments.

Re: solo diving

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 6:10 pm
by Dusty2
All good info but particularly the part about knowing how you will react in that moment when you realize that you are in trouble AND on your own. It really does require tons of experience to know you have the skills to think yourself out of trouble when it happens. If you lack that experience when the moment comes you will panic and fail. I have the ability in those situations to step back and say OK this is where I am and these are my options just take your time and work through it. This and allot of experience will solve most problems but you won't get there if you can't make that first decision to stop and assess things cooly. The very first key is experience and lots of it. I would strongly reccomend you don't even consider solo until you do advanced and rescue diver.

Re: solo diving

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:32 pm
by H20doctor
Who dares ressurect an old thread..!!!!

Re: solo diving

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:32 pm
by ArcticDiver
H20doctor wrote:Who dares ressurect an old thread..!!!!

Old thread. Ever current topic.

Re: solo diving

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:34 am
by H20doctor
Yes.. And will always be.. Its a good topic..i wish my suit wasnt a back zip!!

Re: solo diving

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:08 pm
by Dashrynn
H20doctor wrote:Yes.. And will always be.. Its a good topic. wish my suit wasnt a back zip!!
What, you aren't that flexible??

Re: solo diving

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:24 pm
by ArcticDiver
H20doctor wrote:Yes.. And will always be.. Its a good topic..i wish my suit wasnt a back zip!!

Big reason I bought a DivingConcept Z-Flex. Front zip and e a s y to don and doff.

Re: solo diving

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:44 pm
by Diver_Dave
I dive solo all the time...Just make sure u have lots of air...

Re: solo diving

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:46 pm
by sitkadiver

3800 psi isn't that unusual. It's the 40 year old LP 72 you're using at that pressure that worries me. :smt064 :nutty:

Re: solo diving

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 5:40 pm
by Diver_Dave
Thats a 4000psi air fill and traded most of them bombs to u there Mr.

Re: solo diving

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 3:06 am
sitkadiver wrote:Dave,

3800 psi isn't that unusual. It's the 40 year old LP 72 you're using at that pressure that worries me. :smt064 :nutty:
It's the LP108's to 4000 psi that will keep you down for a day or two huh? :taco:

Now that's what I call a good fill! :stir:

As far as the Solo diving issue? I think if you are a Photographer or do personal work / dive jobs, solo diving is common.
But there is also training thathat can be bought too! I personally don't Solo dive because the whole post dive chat :chat: is such a great part of diving. I imagine my self looking in a mirror saying, "Wasn't that a great Dive?" :dontknow: :bored:

If I seriously wanted to dive solo, I would first buy a pony bottle and then get some additional training.

Re: solo diving

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:28 pm
by Dusty2
Camaraderie is nice and if you have buds available why not but sitting at home because your buddy bailed on you sucks!

As I said way long ago when this thread started it's a matter of comfort as well as equipment and training. If you are comfortable, properly trained and conservative solo is fine. If you are not comfortable with it you shouldn't be doing it.

Conservative is a key to safe diving solo. You need to be totally aware that you are down there alone and that you take no chances of any kind. My personal rules are simple NEVER deep dive alone, Never allow yourself to go into deco, only dive sites you are well acquainted with and sure of the currents and hazards. and for me do all the checks you would do with a buddy only be even more through and never go into your reserve.

Re: solo diving

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 11:10 am
by Diver_Dave
I love solo diving.....

Re: solo diving

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 9:51 am
by sitkadiver
Diver_Dave wrote:I love solo diving.....

I love to solo dive more than you do - so there. :smt064

Did you see what I brought up all by myself? After I clean it, I'm gonna sell it for thousands of dollars and get a book on solo diving so I can love solo diving way more than you love it and actually know how to do it since I'm faking all my solo dives nowadays and I just dive alone cuz I don't got no friends.



Re: solo diving

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 10:12 am
by loanwolf
sitkadiver wrote:
Diver_Dave wrote:I love solo diving.....

I love to solo dive more than you do - so there. :smt064

Did you see what I brought up all by myself? After I clean it, I'm gonna sell it for thousands of dollars and get a book on solo diving so I can love solo diving way more than you love it and actually know how to do it since I'm faking all my solo dives nowadays and I just dive alone cuz I don't got no friends.


Damn that much brass! That is worth a good penny once it is cleaned up. Is that barnacle residue on the flange or corrosion from steel pipes? Were there is one there is more ;-)

Re: solo diving

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 11:09 am
by sitkadiver
The whole flange assembly is brass. The cover on the side is steele, and the dark coloration was where is was embedded in the mud. I'll clean it up this weekend and see how it looks after a vinegar bath. If anything, it'll make a great door stop at 40-ish pounds!

Re: solo diving

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 6:25 pm
by Diver_Dave
Big ass sea lion in the harbor today and his old lady..... :eek:

Re: solo diving

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 9:03 pm
by Dusty2
Wow doesn't look like it was ever used. Those things cost a fortune. bet who ever lost it is still crying.
That's worth some nice coin! even as scrap metal.