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Diving 4/1, 4/2

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 9:33 pm
by Tangfish
Anyone interested in diving this weekend? I'm down to go tomorrow or Sunday. Lemme know!

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 10:07 pm
by DiverDown
I would be up for a sunday dive if i had my drysuit. ](*,) I will check and see if it is done on sat. its in seattle u/w sports..

100ft. Rock - Sunday

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 5:42 pm
by Tangfish
Ok, here is the dealyo:

Eric, Galen, Patrick and I are putting together a dive for tomorrow. The tentative plan is to do 100' Rock. The exchange looks pretty big and slack is at 2:45p (love those afternoon dives), from what I hear it's not too current intensive.

Anyone want to join? Martin? Dave?


Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 9:07 pm
by Dave ... trock.html

Here are directions to the site and a pretty lame review. I think the entry and exit are quite easy and I would recommend swimming straight out from the small cement stairs and dropping. Swim until you see the obvious ravine and follow it to the left, it is impossible to miss the actual rock and there is some neat life hiding in the small ledges around the rock. I will try to make and can let you guys know for sure tomorrow. I spent all day in the San Juans diving today even though we had at first called the dive due to weather but ended up going for it and it turned out to be really good. Anyway I'll call you guys tomorrow if I can make it, I hope so!!!!!

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 9:31 pm
by Tangfish
The main reason I dislike this site is that the entry and exit are such a bitch. For this you have two choices: hike about 200 yards down the tracks with all your gear, (being careful to dodge the moving freight trains), or climb down over the grimy, slippery, railroad embankment rocks and risk breaking your neck, or worse yet, your gear.........Whoopee. I've seen more sea life at the underwater park.............Bottom line is diving is supposed to be fun, and I always try to maximize the fun and minimize the stress on every dive. The fun/stress scale is tipped too far towards the stress side and too little on the fun side for this dive, and just isn't worth the effort, In-My-Humble-Opinion. If you must, dive it one or two times out of curiosity, but do so with somebody who's experienced with this site and/or experienced with (and enjoys) deep dives. Dive it at low tide and preferably from a boat. Otherwise, don't bother.
Hmmmm, you're right, not the best reviews. Thoughts fellas? BTW, what happened to you today BJ?

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 10:32 am
by morrilp
so we on? or too many drinks last night?

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 11:56 am
by Tangfish
Ok, consensus by phone is that 100' Rock doesn't seem that appealing for 2 tanks, so we're going to do Edmonds Oil dock.

Meeting at UWS Bellevue at 1:15 and going from there.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 7:17 pm
by Maverick
Sorry calvin, I ended up heading to my new shop for som construction work and had my phone in the car all morning.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 7:57 pm
by Tangfish
Maverick wrote:Sorry calvin, I ended up heading to my new shop for som construction work and had my phone in the car all morning.
No prob BJ, we had a good dive at the Oil Dock, over an hour BT :supz: