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Liquivision X1

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 10:10 pm
by Kirby
Picture 017.jpg
Picture 018.jpg
Hi all, just thought it would be better to break this into a different thread... seems to have riled some folks up. Most of you are familiar I'm sure with my tale of woe with my destroyed liquivision computer. My story was shall we say, questioned by the makers and I was informed that the computer had sustained 'massive trauma' which was obviously due to abuse. I contended that the crack was due to pressure and temperature changes, and at the very worst, a fall from the top hutch of my computer desktop to the table.
I sent the computer back to them, they stated it was not repairable and sent it back to me. I figured I might as well give it a fitting burial, so took it along on my recent trip to Nanaimo. Lo and behold, at 266 ft it was still working fine! Oh happy day. It also worked on the next 6 dives, 3 below 200 ft, and is still going strong.
I was informed by the folks at Liquivision that the shop who sold me the computer told them that they had personal knowledge of a witness who saw me crush my computer with a set of duals. Funny thing is that when I asked the shop owner about this, he denies it completely.
Oh yeah, almost forgot, dove with some very nice Canadian divers on the trip who really liked our Liquivisions ( we had three of them on the trip in our group), I had to tell them all about the fact that all three of the computer he saw were replacements for defective computers, and that mine was broken but still working.
I really love this computer. It brings me up to the surface on a 220 ft dive at the exact same time as my 150.00 Tusa duo. Wish that darned 3 year old hockey puck would do trimix.


Re: Liquivision X1

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 2:30 pm
by airsix
Glad to hear it's working well for you.

...even though this squashes my plan to convince you to sell it to me for $200 and have my windshield repair guy seal the crack. (I wouldn't try to seal the crack now that it's been submerged at pressure.)

Re: Liquivision X1

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:38 am
by Waynne Fowler
Wow.... interesting story Kirby.... I'm glad the things working, but do ya think you should be trusting it?
I thought those would be a rather nice gauge to have... But your story gives me reason to pause.. if they are prone to telling stories and accusing customers of lying just to avoid warranty issues I think I'll look elsewhere....

Re: Liquivision X1

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:51 am
by Geek

Re: Liquivision X1

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 9:09 am
by loanwolf
Geek wrote::popcorn:
I agree Geek

:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

Re: Liquivision X1

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 9:22 am
by smike
Can you take another decent picture of the first picture - the one you have is useless. I am really curious.


Re: Liquivision X1

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 9:37 am
by airsix
Waynne Fowler wrote:But your story gives me reason to pause.. if they are prone to telling stories and accusing customers of lying just to avoid warranty issues I think I'll look elsewhere....
3 sides to every story. :smt051

Re: Liquivision X1

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 9:21 pm
by Kirby
Hi all,

I have been warned by the moderator to cease and desist. I respect this, and will no longer post on this issue. If you would like to see the computer in person, you are going to have to dive with me (scary.......) I will be at the Lobster Shop wall in Tacoma Fri at 1830 for the All in One Dive shop group dive, and will be diving, Sun, and Tues thru Fri next week. I have been pulling up some really nice bottles in the 150 - 160 ft range and would love to not dive solo.

(253) 347-2817

Re: Liquivision X1

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 9:40 pm
by Geek
So, out of morbid curiosity.... exactly what part of the OP's thread violated the TOS?? :dontknow:

Re: Liquivision X1

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:45 pm
by Penopolypants
Geek wrote:So, out of morbid curiosity.... exactly what part of the OP's thread violated the TOS?? :dontknow:
The original thread got pretty heated, so a rehash is in danger of violating rule #1: Don't be a dick.

Re: Liquivision X1

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:07 am
by Waynne Fowler
but what if my name were Richard...... could I be a dick then? :breakdance:

Re: Liquivision X1

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:28 pm
by Kirby
I think this is the part of the post where people start talking about relationships with animals......

Re: Liquivision X1

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 7:42 am
by Gill Envy
Geek wrote:So, out of morbid curiosity.... exactly what part of the OP's thread violated the TOS?? :dontknow:
John, I have the same questions. We were all finally having a chance to see the damage for ourselves and make up our own minds... is there some kind of protectionism going on here?

I don't see any violation of the TOS and sharing experience with manufacturers is what this kind of board is all about no?

this is disappointing to me.


Re: Liquivision X1

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 8:08 am
by loanwolf
I do not know if Calvin is thinking this way or not, I would be as the owner of this board.

That until the lawsuit is settled with Scuba board and we know the courts decisions on that. That anything that involves a discussion that is negative on a product or a business is avoided at least until the outcome. That and there was a whole lot of dirt throwing going on. I did not think about that until I read thought some of the legal filings on the case of Scuba board and talked with a friend of mine who is a NAA (nasty assed attorney). There is some responsibility as he is providing the medium. Exactly what responsibility a board has is yet defined very well. That is scary to me but NAA’s love that kind of thing to argue new law.

Re: Liquivision X1

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 8:22 am
by John Rawlings
Gill Envy wrote:
Geek wrote:So, out of morbid curiosity.... exactly what part of the OP's thread violated the TOS?? :dontknow:
John, I have the same questions. We were all finally having a chance to see the damage for ourselves and make up our own minds... is there some kind of protectionism going on here?
No, gentlemen....there is no "conspiracy" or "protectionism" involved here. The simple fact is that when dead horses are beaten enough they begin to smell....

Kirby did not violate the TOS. He was not ordered to stop, he was not threatened with action, he was ASKED kindly, nicely and politely. The word "please" was used by the Mod that contacted him.

Both sides of this issue simply need to take their battle elsewhere.

- John

Re: Liquivision X1

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 8:53 am
by Joshua Smith
John Rawlings wrote:
Gill Envy wrote:
Geek wrote:So, out of morbid curiosity.... exactly what part of the OP's thread violated the TOS?? :dontknow:
John, I have the same questions. We were all finally having a chance to see the damage for ourselves and make up our own minds... is there some kind of protectionism going on here?
No, gentlemen....there is no "conspiracy" or "protectionism" involved here. The simple fact is that when dead horses are beaten enough they begin to smell....

Kirby did not violate the TOS. He was not ordered to stop, he was not threatened with action, he was ASKED kindly, nicely and politely. The word "please" was used by the Mod that contacted him.

Both sides of this issue simply need to take their battle elsewhere.

- John

John put it pretty well, actually. Look, personally, I don't care if you guys want to keep going over this topic, again and again and again. We never locked this thread, censored pictures, or anything like that. Be my guest. Personally, I thought we'd been over it in minute detail, ad nauseum. But, for those of you that are enthralled by this topic- knock yourselves out.

Re: Liquivision X1

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 10:14 am
by Gill Envy
Seeing the computer after it's come back from the manufacturer was new information, so is knowing the computer is functional after several new dives, as well as knowing that the crack looks about the same as the other cracked units I've seen pictures of is all valuable information to me. Thanks for posting the info Kirby, a few more shots of the screen in better light would be helpful and will put the issue to rest for me.

to me it just comes down to collecting information for making decisions over time, I don't base them on any one person's experience.

Also, when people send around PM's undermining someone's account of something, and that's happened to more than one person in this subject, it becomes even more important to me to verify, the best I can, what the deal really is/was.

Kind Regards,

Re: Liquivision X1

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 11:59 am
by Joshua Smith
Gill Envy wrote:Seeing the computer after it's come back from the manufacturer was new information, so is knowing the computer is functional after several new dives, as well as knowing that the crack looks about the same as the other cracked units I've seen pictures of is all valuable information to me. Thanks for posting the info Kirby, a few more shots of the screen in better light would be helpful and will put the issue to rest for me.

to me it just comes down to collecting information for making decisions over time, I don't base them on any one person's experience.

Also, when people send around PM's undermining someone's account of something, and that's happened to more than one person in this subject, it becomes even more important to me to verify, the best I can, what the deal really is/was.

Kind Regards,

Seeing as Kirby has published his contact info out in the open, I might suggest contacting him directly. I'm sure he'd be more than happy to show you the unit, and discuss his experience with you face to face. This is just a suggestion- feel free to keep this thread going as long as you please, within the TOS.

The last thread on this subject degenerated into bickering and flaming, which is the only reason we weren't thrilled to see it pop up again.

Re: Liquivision X1

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 10:17 pm
by Gill Envy
I would still like to see a clearer photo. as difficult as it is to see, Kirby's photo looks remarkably like others that have been posted where the computer was replaced at no charge due to internal stress fracture of some sort. Quite a few of these issues have been reported with the X1, and I believe the issue has been resolved on newer units. The reliability of the computer is of concern as I have considered purchasing one of these as a back up to lighten the load on remote trips, between my wife and I. I have run into Kirby randomly and he seems like a fine fellow, well you know, with the appropriate degree of quirkiness indicative of a tec diver ;~)

here is a link to a photo showing a nearly identical crack starting in the upper left corner of the unit: ... -x1-4.html.

Kind Regards,

Re: Liquivision X1

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 8:00 am
by Kirby
Well, my cracked computer finally quit working, got 60 more deep dives on it before it gave up the ghost. It is now available for post mortem dissection if anyone is interested drop me a PM. On a lighter note, did you know you can get really really deep at Redondo? A 10 minute hard swim across the 110 ft flats brings you to a nice deep steep slope. I got to 150 before the looming deco of the return swim spooked me and it was still black and steep down below..... Hmmmm sounds like I need to check that out again. I might even have to bring a buddy next time. In light of the latest fatality at Redondo, it has surpassed Dead Man's wall as the most dangerous dive site in the South Sound.


Liquivision X1

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:32 pm
by Tangfish
Sorry to hear about the X1. Did you have a backup with you?

Re: Liquivision X1

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:14 am
by Kirby
It survived the dive, then died on the charger, wouldn't run off of the charger, still ran while plugged in. My friend is now waiting for his new computer to replace the one that failed on him last month, Liquivision states they have come out with some new updates that will make the unit more reliable. It will be interesting to see if this one lasts, or if he gets it anytime soon.


Re: Liquivision X1

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:54 am
by airsix
So how much you want for the remains?

Re: Liquivision X1

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 10:21 am
by rjw
My X1 just went DOA on a dive. No warning. I just happened to be looking at the screen when it faded to a dark screen at about 100 min of RT. Got home, rinsed and charged. Now it won't respond at all. Waiting to hear from Liquivision. I really like this computer and would like to add the X-link to my Meg and dump the second handset but...............

Re: Liquivision X1

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:15 pm
by Kirby
airsix wrote:So how much you want for the remains?
No charge. Meet me at Cove 2? Plan on diving there some time this week Th Fr or Sat.
