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FINALLY diving again!

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:33 pm
by Jenbowes
Matt S. and I are finally getting back into the water, which is preeeettttty darned snazzy, I must say. It was a dry dry winter and spring (dive wise, not rain wise, obviously), filled with lots of fabulous changes and some disappointments, and soul searching through those disappointments, and me talking a lot at Matt, and Matt practicing his patient "I AM listening" face (he's so sweet), and blah de blah de blah...

I'm boring myself. Let me move on.

A few weeks ago, we went out with Scottsax and saw each other, mostly. My first time at Muk, and I was underwhelmed by the overwhelming not much happening. I will need the MMM people to show me what there is to see, because there were a lot of crabs and not much else when we went out. BUT, it was AWESOME to get down under again and the desire to do more has resumed!

At the club dive, the sight of our dive day was a little red octo out in the open. We watched it traverse in gray across the bottom, until he reached a large piece of seaweed to cross, and he turned red. Then back to gray on the other side. We sat and watched him for a good five minutes - adorable, I say ... sooooo adorable! And it was awesome to see the peeps again (HI PEEPS!)!

Yesterday, at Redondo again, we had a 63 minute dive, which was one of our longest in the PNW! We followed the rope to the VW and back, and then to the tub and the pipe. The pipe looked like a rockfish convention, everyone laying low in pairs. MORE awesome!

According to Spatman, there were tons of octos at the bottle field, but we didn't get down that far. Still came up with almost 1000 PSI, too, which was SWEET! I was cold though, which is significantly less sweet.

We saw lots of stuff, but I'm sure it won't surprise anyone when I say I have no idea what most of it was! "Look! A FISH! Another FISH! MORE FISH!!!" Matt brought his camera this time, so there are a few shots that he liked and kept. I'm going to ask him to add the pics to this tread, which will probably be much more interesting than my blather - but I do so like to blather about diving.

You know?

Anyway, two down, two up ... always a great dive!

Re: FINALLY diving again!

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:21 pm
by Matt S.
I did not get any awesome pictures, but a few were worth keeping. Wish I had my NW critter ID book but it is packed away somewhere from when we thought we were moving soon.

We also saw a salmon about 6" long during our safety stop. First time I can remember seeing one.

Re: FINALLY diving again!

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:19 pm
by Scubak
Adrian and I also saw a few Salmon at Redondo on Saturday at about 20ft. It was really cool because you never really see Salmon. I think the Juvi's were confused.

Re: FINALLY diving again!

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:48 pm
by WylerBear
The juvenile salmon seem to be hanging in the shallows at Redondo. Saw them on all 4 dives during DATC and saw them again today on both dives.

Re: FINALLY diving again!

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:53 am
by ktb
YAY Jen and Matt S.!!!! :joshsmith: :joshsmith: :joshsmith: :joshsmith:

And thank you (again) for helping me rescue some gear at the Club Dive. Maybe we can *really* dive together soon. :taco:

Re: FINALLY diving again!

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:39 pm
by Jenbowes
ktb wrote:YAY Jen and Matt S.!!!! :joshsmith: :joshsmith: :joshsmith: :joshsmith:

And thank you (again) for helping me rescue some gear at the Club Dive. Maybe we can *really* dive together soon. :taco:
You are so welcome, and YES PLEASE! I would like to get out more often and dive dive dive!

Woot woot!!!