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Skills improvement and resources needed

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 1:26 pm
by LCF
As a result of a couple of recent dives and some recent conversations, I have been thinking about improving diving skills. Sometimes you don't know how to do something, and you need actual instruction to learn how to do it, but other times, you have skills that need practice because they have never gotten strong, or need practice because they've gotten rusty. I was thinking that there must be other people out there besides me who feel the need for some help or support in bringing some skills up to snuff, and we have such a great community of divers here that a thread where folks posted what they want to work on and what help they think they need, might serve to put the two together.

I'll start -- Stability under task-loading in midwater has never been my strong suit. I did a dive with Kees off the Bandito boat the other day that showed me I've lost some of the skill I eventually got, because I do so few direct ascents. So I want to go out and do some dives where, although begun from shore, we end with at least a 30 foot direct ascent with stops, and do some skills like air-sharing and bag shoots. I was very pleased to get to do that with my friend CaptnJack off his boat on Saturday, but I'd like to do more. So I need buddies who are willing to do those dives, and honestly, preferably people who aren't already perfect in midwater, because I do real well if I can key off somebody who's absolutely stable.

What do YOU want to improve, and what kind of help do you see yourself needing to get it done?

Re: Skills improvement and resources needed

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 5:30 pm
by msblazer
I'll dive in, so to speak. The vast majority of my experience is in warm water with direct ascents. I have very little cold water/dry suit experience, and that is primarily in a quarry. My wife and I are starting to spend a lot more time at our place in Seattle (plan to retire there in a couple of years when our youngest is done with college), and the cold water bug has bitten in a major way. I did 5 days of diving at several spots this past December, some buddy and some solo, and quickly realized that I need help with weighting, buoyancy, trim and general dry suit skills. I got in touch with Bob Bailey, and I'm getting together with him later this month for a weekend skills course.

Next on the horizon? I've been an amateur photographer for a very long time, but that was mostly topside. Started with a basic Sealife rig in 2010 just to get comfortable with underwater techniques. I recently upgraded to a DSLR rig (Nikon D800, Nauticam housing and all the ancillary goodies). So the next step, after plenty of practice on what Bob will teach me, will be UW photography classes. From what I've read on this board, including from you, it sounds like Scott Lundy is definitely the go to guy for this, although I'll probably start with Alex at Optical Ocean Sales for some of the basic things.

Where to go after that? Why CCR of course!

Re: Skills improvement and resources needed

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 5:38 pm
by aadolfi
In prep for Tec 1 in May I am going to be practicing ascents on pretty much every dive I do between now and then, let me know and I'm happy to go practice with you.


Re: Skills improvement and resources needed

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:14 pm
by LCF
Alex, thanks!

The purpose of the thread was more to put people together for informal practice, than to talk about class/instructor resources. We have plenty of those!

Re: Skills improvement and resources needed

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 7:22 pm
by thefeve
If you're ever diving at muk, I'm always down to practice skills on dives. Ascents being something I know I still have a hard time controlling. I'm much more the newb than your skill level, but if you need anyone to dive with, I'm always interested if i'm available. Rec 2 is on my horizon when i can get it in this spring and I'd love to get as much practice with basic skills in the water before that. We did a bag shoot and controlled ascent on my last dive and Its fun to practice that stuff.

Re: Skills improvement and resources needed

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:07 pm
by Mortuus
Lynne, come out on Kirk's boat with me some time! Mack and I have been hitting the lake pretty hard recently, but Mack isnt always available for those dives. I love doing those dives because they are such simple profiles and make for such good ascent practice.

Re: Skills improvement and resources needed

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:38 pm
by bm5w
I need to work on my mid-water skills and definitely qualify as not perfect. I'd love to do some direct ascents with stops where we task load with SMBs, navigation and other skills.


Re: Skills improvement and resources needed

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:52 pm
by Peter Guy
I'd offer to go diving with her and do skills, but since she wrote she doesn't want a really solid diver.....

(cough, cough!!!!)

Re: Skills improvement and resources needed

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:11 pm
by CaptnJack
Peter Guy wrote:I'd offer to go diving with her and do skills, but since she wrote she doesn't want a really solid diver.....

(cough, cough!!!!)
Guess she asked here not at home for a reason...

Personally I could stand to do bottle rotations.

Re: Skills improvement and resources needed

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:09 pm
by Scubak
I'm up for some skill dives.
As simple as performing clear signals, ascents and all.
Let me know.

Re: Skills improvement and resources needed

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:12 pm
by Gdog
Since going to a new drysuit, and a 119 steel tank, need to put the finesse on my trim.