Back In The Water

Tell us your tale of coming nose-to-nose with a 6 gill [--this big--], or about your vacation to turquoise warm waters. Share your adventures here!
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Back In The Water

Post by dwashbur »

Since my wife got to see the sixgill hanging around Redondo lately, I decided to suck it up and go see if I could get a peek. I have issues from stem to stern; the pinched nerve in my neck has gotten worse and has been causing major spasms in my left shoulder that have me walking like Igor from Young Frankenstein. I have a concoction of a muscle relaxer, a nerve pain med, four Ibuprofen, and a good amount of cannabis that deals with the pain, and I only arrived at that by trial and error. Then there's my left knee, which was supposed to be replaced last month. (Another story.) I wear a brace on it all the time, and thankfully the brace fits under my dry suit. So I loaded up on my cocktail, trying to time things right so it would be working when I went in and when I came out. Then we headed out to Redondo, both to try that, and to try out Kathy's new Zeagle BCD.

Both experiments were a major success. She loves the new BCD, and I had a really comfortable dive without any pain for at least an hour afterward. I expected to be paying majorly for the dive this morning, but it's no worse than it is any other morning, so there don't seem to be any ill effects. The knee is just there; I use the brace, tolerate it, and call it unkind names sometimes. That seems to keep it in line.

We didn't find the shark, but I'm calling this a big victory. Best I can conclude, it means I can get in the water again, seemingly without doing harm to myself.

Now, if I can just find the leak in that right boot...

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Re: Back In The Water

Post by Scubak »

Glad to hear that you were able to get back in the water...
Chronic pain is not a fun thing to try and live with...
Take it slow and easy!
"Let's go diving!"
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Re: Back In The Water

Post by Gdog »

Good for you! That is great. Welcome back to the water!
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Re: Back In The Water

Post by pogiguy05 »

Good to hear that you got to dive and from what I have heard from Keith Carpenter (Bassman) who has had chronic back pain. He mentions that when he is diving he does not have the pain. I think this is due to be weightless in the water. Gravity is a cruel and painful mistress. For years since I injured my back in the Army I have had at least one time a year my back would go out and it would take at least 2 weeks to get better. I have not had any issues for almost 3-4 years now and it worries me. The next one is gonna be a big one but SHHHHHH might back my hear me. I hope that you can continue to do the things you enjoy pain free.
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Re: Back In The Water

Post by Tangfish »

Great to hear that the dive and the BCD were both a success!

I have some nagging injuries too, they seem to get worse with screen time and better with time in the water.
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