And the Camera Wasn't Rolling :(

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And the Camera Wasn't Rolling :(

Post by dwashbur »

Saturday before last, the wife and I went to Redondo to test my new dry suit seals. Down near the carousel boat we came upon a little octopus. Anybody who knows my wife knows she lives to find octos, so we stopped to check it out and play a little bit. At some point it hopped up and started to take off. A copper rockfish came out of nowhere and snarfed it up in an instant. Just as quickly, the octopus slipped out of the fish's mouth and got away. Later examination discovered that the fish did make a meal out of one tentacle, but that was all.

I know the principle is "pictures or it didn't happen," but I'm not sure even my video could have made it anything more than a blur, it happened so fast.

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Re: And the Camera Wasn't Rolling :(

Post by YellowEye »

Very cool. I saw a seal swoop down and eat an octo once. Both sad and amazing. I was a new diver, and it was one of my first times seeing an octo, and also my first time seeing a seal! :)
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