Saturday club dive

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Saturday club dive

Post by Dusty2 »

Did the club get together today and it was great fun till I hit the water and immediately felt a cold trickle down my left arm. :angry: Hmmm, leak somewhere but I'm here and I'm tough, I can stand a little water. :blah: :blah: So down the rope I go and the deeper I go the wetter I'm getting and I need to constantly add air to my suit to maintain boyancy. #-o #-o well maybe my exhaust valve is leaking oh well I'm at the bottle field and the viz ain't bad but the water has filled my left arm and is starting toward the southern hemisphere but there has got to be a lumpie down here somewhere and I'll be dammed if I'm going to wimp out now so around I go looking and no luck finding anything but after what seems like an hour I still have 2400 lbs and I really shouldn't let a little water keep me from finding that little guy. So I start to do another circle and the water has reached the critical equipment and is now heading for my feet and this dang suit won't stay inflated. :confused: :confused: :confused: :angry: :angry: so the circle gets real small and I'm heading back north and uphill. Now I realize my folly cause headed uphill is not the way one should head when their suit is half full of water. :pinch: :pinch: So I do my safety stop kinda..... and now it's a long walk to the stairs and I'm realizing I weigh about 20+ lbs more than I did going in iI'm half froze and it's a long ways to the truck! Can you say low tide?

Anyway I make it back huffing and panting and explaining to everyone that I am not in a dry suit I'm in a Bare aquarium suit! :angry: :angry: :confused: :confused: :confused: Long story short I had a 1" place in my zipper that had come open at the left shoulder which means new zipper :rocket: or an excuse to retire the old girl. :uh: :tappingfoot: :tappingfoot: So I called walley and he sez 300 up for a new zipper and 3 to 6 weeks to get it back from Bare "BUT" Bare has a special on that gets me a free undergarment of my choice with a purchase by monday??? SOOO I guess it's early christmas for me?? :bounceline:
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Re: Saterday club dive

Post by Sockmonkey »

Bummer about the suit dude. Funny timing for sure... in front of the whole club. Sounds like something that would happen to me... luckily I have no pride.

I keep reloading the new posts page waiting for a report or two... and pictures... but hopefully people are still wooping it up somewhere.

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Re: Saterday club dive

Post by coachrenz »

Sockmonkey wrote:
I keep reloading the new posts page waiting for a report or two... and pictures... but hopefully people are still wooping it up somewhere.

They are likely still drying out. It was a wet one out there today.
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Re: Saturday club dive

Post by Tom Nic »

Redondo parking lot looked like a tent city for homeless divers today! The weather was dreary but spirits were high as a TON of NWDClubbers showed up to get wet.


It seems that a great time was had by all. I was dry because of an ear infection but did a bit of shore support and making sure that all the club dogs felt spoiled and cared for! Enjoyed seeing folks I haven't seen in awhile and meeting some new ones. I'm throwing up a few random pics to get things started. Hopefully a few of the divers have recovered enough from post dive celebrations to post some reports.




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Re: Saturday club dive

Post by pogiguy05 »

Well, Here goes my shot at a dive report. Be nice. :binkybaby: Had two great dives with Mr & Mrs Bob the Diver. After bubble checks we decend and after the all OK we head down the rope to the Carrousel boat. Just about at the tire pile I turn and Bob is motioning and what do I see a small about 1 foot long Octo swimming along. Of course Bob and I have camera's so and the Octo heads to the tire pile. What would you do if two big black strange creatures were after you? :dontknow: Bob was able to get a good pic before the Octo tucked away into the tires.Then we continued on our journey of searching for subjects to blind with our flashes. #-o Got to the very end boat or what is left of it and turned around and headed back upslope. Stopped by the peek in on Pepper tucked away under the boat and of course take a small video for me. She is big enough that you can see her from both sides of the boat. :bye: Went up to the pipe and seems that there are always those (?) fish swimming around the end of the pipe and inside. they must be use to divers as they dont really get spooked or run off.Then Mrs. Bob ( cause either I dont remember or never heard her name) and I wondered up to our safety stop and wonder where is Mr Bob. We Turn and can see he is just down slope doing something. he tells us after we surface he tried to get our attention but he ran into another small Octo and was trying to convince the octo to let him take a pic. :tappingfoot: After he finished his safety stop we surfaced to the wonderful Seattle weather that we have here. :sunny: :rofl: Did anyone mention the TIDE was WAY!!!!! out today? Wow that was long walk back to the truck. I feel for you Dusty bad enough with all the gear to add weight from bringing back half the Puget Sound with you. :)

Also did anyone notice after driving home the very WET SNOW that was coming down? This is almost the end of March right? :uh:

I am also a new photo taking guy and I think I should have used Macro on some to get a clearer pic.
I actually think this guy is the same one I took in the same spot a few dives ago. He is a little bigger but same fish.
I actually think this guy is the same one I took in the same spot a few dives ago. He is a little bigger but same fish.
This looks like it was taken on a night dive. lighting go figure.
This looks like it was taken on a night dive. lighting go figure.
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Re: Saturday club dive

Post by Zen Diver »

Love the NWDC banner!!!!!!!
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Re: Saturday club dive

Post by dwashbur »

Nice pix, Jeff! Good report, too. Yeah, you definitely want macro mode for those nudis, but the others came out just fine, seems to me. What kind of camera do you have? We generally put ours in macro mode and leave them there because we really go for the small stuff, which is why if you look up "slow" in the dictionary you see a picture of us diving...

Dusty, that's awful about the leaky suit. Was your dad with you? Maybe he could have carried half the water or something :der: We didn't make it diving yesterday, still too pooped from the trip, but we're heading off to the Easter egg hunt later this morning. The Weather Channel says it's supposed to be sunny today, but in Seattle I'm not sure what that means..........

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Re: Saturday club dive

Post by eliseaboo »

I'm glad I came down for the weekend, thanks again to everyone who helped with this and to everyone also for being so welcoming to me :)

I had a bit of a rough start yesterday morning, as I looked at the spring ferry schedule...which starts *today* #-o So my morning began with two hours of waiting at the ferry landing on Orcas, but no worries, I decided to study up for my lessons next week and use the time well. Made it down to Redondo with no problems, everything seemed to be going great...had my cookies frosted like dive flags (dork!) that seemed to go over well, and other than the rain all seemed set for me to get in my first "real" northwest dive.

I started to layer on the neoprene and then I boots were still at home! D'oh! #-o There wasn't really a chance of finding any boots to borrow, so after some internal debate I went off to buy/rent a pair of boots. That went a bit awry as well, as I went WAYYY past the shop on 99 and the "quick" trip ended up taking over an hour. I've been wanting a new pair of boots for a while now anyway, and the shop had the boot and size in stock that I was going to order, and knocked off 10% for me, so I shelled out the money and got myself a new pair of warm boots :clap:

By the time I got back, I was afraid this would be the "non-dive" report after all the mishaps...and I wasn't sure I would be able to find a buddy. Fortunately, Chris was up for another dive :boucegreen: , and agreed to take on all my "little buddy"-ness. The dive itself was awesome, if ungraceful on my part! 56 feet, 38 minutes, 42 degrees. I had on a new pair of mitts that is just slightly small on me, and had to have Chris help me get the second one on, and my new boots didn't fit particularly well in my old fins, so I also needed help getting out of my fins at the end of the dive #-o (Thanks again for the help!!) I felt a bit like a tourist, I wanted to stop and look at everything, even the sea stars that you all must see on every dive. I was particularly fascinated by the ochre stars because we had some in our touch tank, but the ones out there looked huge compared to those! The nudibranchs were spectacular as well, as they always are. And all the crabs and shrimp...I'm a dork, I just had so much fun seeing all the life!! In Wisconsin, you're lucky to see a few bass or perch...I also got to see Pepper, after all the discussion about her...I thought that was pretty cool too :breakdance:

Anyway...the take-home message here is that I'm a dork incredibly ungraceful until I figure out the area...hopefully I can still find a dive buddy or two to dive with another day, as I'm really looking forward to proving to you all that I am capable of a good dive :rolleyes: I'm off to hunt for easter eggs underwater now, thanks again NWDC!!
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Re: Saturday club dive

Post by spatman »

don't worry, elise, we were all a that same stage at one point or another. we're glad you made it down, and managed to get a dive in!

ok, my turn.

first, THANK YOU, PENOPOLYPANTS! our intrepid organizer/cruise director/buddy matcher/schlepper of stuff once again rallied the troops and provided a great base of operations for such a great event. without P, it would have been a group of rain-soaked divers, standing around in the rain passing around rain-soaked cheetos.

i dropped my wife off in tacoma to visit a friend and made it to redondo a little before 9. some canopies were already up and unloading in progress. i arrived the same time as scott and sheri and there were several familiar faces there already. after the usual bantering, we geared up and found buddies to pair with. i volunteered to show Aquanutchuck around the 'dond, since he had never been there before.

i have to say that it's ironic that i meet chuck and selkie and kat and a few other fellow portland area divers for the first time at redondo.

anyway, we splash with a bunch of other folks, including scott and sheri who were re-enacting scott's 100th dive, so he could get his pic taken with the tiara on. (better post that!) we also dropped with pez and trevor, who we found at the boat admiring Pepper.

after pez and trevor moved off, i attempted to take a pic of Pepper, and my camera would not power on. :banghead: dang camera! so we continued on. i showed chuck the usual sites, out to the rock wall and VW and then back. viz was decent, anywhere from 15-20' at times. we saw a few nudis and gunnels and warbonnets tucked into their usual crevices.

i decided at one point to see if the camera would power up again. so there i am mashing the power button and cursing the camera, :angry: when i realize, i put the dang camera into the case UPSIDE DOWN.

our surface interval we filled with much laughter, and some really great food. i won't describe the entire menu, but thank you everyone! (pogiguy, if you ever have any extra lumpia, you know who to call).

splash #2 was a half-@ssed attempt at locating the elusive porch swing. too make a long story short, pez and i led a small group in a big wide circle, which in hindsight, must have been around the swing without actually finding it. we did find other things including stubby squids, nudis, etc., including 3 of the biggest white-lined dironas i have ever seen, each one about 6".

that was a fun, if silly, 66 minutes with pez. that dive also marked my 100th hour under water! woohoo!

a really funny thing happened during our safety stop. we were hanging around in 12-15' near the research pier, when pez picks up a liquor pint bottle and starts joking around, making "der, look at me, i'm drinking booze" gestures with the bottle. then he passed me the bottle and i do the same. while doing this i happened to actually look in the bottle. there was a little tiny octo in there! so we put the bottle down and the little guy emerged from the bottle and swam off.

well, all in all a great day, even if the weather royally sucked. good diving, good food, and good people.

thanks again, everyone!

octo in a bottle
octo in a bottle

the rest of the pics are here.
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Re: Saturday club dive

Post by cardiver »

The porch swing and the dome are directly west from the second pile of reflectors at appx 60 fsw. Not much to look at right now but I would imagine that by the end of summer the entie rock base of the dome should have a substantial amount of life.
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Re: Saturday club dive

Post by LCF »

Well, sounds like nobody let the rain dampen their spirits!

I sure hope one of these days, you guys will come up with a club dive when I'm NOT working . . . :-)
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Re: Saturday club dive

Post by Penopolypants »

I love putting these together, but it would be useless if people didn't show up in enjoy themselves, so thanks to all of you!

But....why oh WHY couldn't we have had today's weather yesterday?! ](*,)

We did indeed have an excellent turnout yesterday, in spite of the weather. One nice thing about dry suits is this: I saw people hanging out and chatting in the rain, eating in the rain, and in general pretty much ignoring the rain. Whee! Lower-case-bob brought a super pop-up canopy setup that included a much-welcomed heater, and he brought an awesome barbecue set up. I have BBQ envy now. Others had popups as well, with sides, too, so we were pretty well sheltered when we needed it.

We had so much yummy food, much excellent company, dogs to play with during the surface intervals, and the viz wasn't too bad either. Special thanks to Kat and Garrett for being my buddies on our dives, and I'm sorry I didn't find Pepper for you, Kat. Next time!

Also, many thanks to everyone who helped set up and break down, people who donated gear, people who brought food, people who ate food, people who went diving, people who were shore support, and thanks to Pez for bringing the "sway".

Thanks to everyone, really, because we've proven yet again that NWDC members are the bee's knees!
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Re: Saturday club dive

Post by mz53480 »

Penopolypants wrote:But....why oh WHY couldn't we have had today's weather yesterday?!
The scuba weather gods were angry with all you Saturday divers.... :tappingfoot:
We got the good weather today after they calmed down... :thankyouyellow:
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Re: Saturday club dive

Post by BASSMAN »

Dusty! Sorry to hear about the flood but the end result seems to be nice :supz: :bounceline: New suit!

You all should have seen the tide when I first got to Redondo,around 6:30 am. Three steps were under water!
By the time E_Mo and I, actually did our first dive, around 8:20 am it was allready down below the last step.

How come nobody's talkin about the message in the bottle next to the roap! :evil4: I know, many must have seen it and tried to read the note. And for the record, E_Mo is my witness,"I did not put it there." Actually Greatfuldiver went in before us...
Well anyway, as I turned the bottle every wich way to read the note, E_Mo kept his distance :lalala: and was sure he knew what was in the bottle along with the note. :smt119 :uh: :dontknow: .
We had a great 1 hour dive and all was good. :partydance:

It was great to see some old faces and meet some new ones. Whish I could have stuck around longer, but I had to go :driving: home and get my very much needed :sleep:

:thankyouyellow: P Pants for doin the organizing of yet another succesful club dive! =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> :grouphug: :notworthy:
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Re: Saturday club dive

Post by Dusty2 »

spatman wrote: i decided at one point to see if the camera would power up again. so there i am mashing the power button and cursing the camera, :angry: when i realize, i put the dang camera into the case UPSIDE DOWN.
Woah! Thats just too funny :clap: :clap: :clap: I've done allot of dumb stunts in my time but that one is really unique! :smt064 :smt064
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Re: Saturday club dive

Post by BASSMAN »

Dusty2 wrote:
spatman wrote: i decided at one point to see if the camera would power up again. so there i am mashing the power button and cursing the camera, :angry: when i realize, i put the dang camera into the case UPSIDE DOWN.
Woah! Thats just too funny :clap: :clap: :clap: I've done allot of dumb stunts in my time but that one is really unique! :smt064 :smt064
Says the man who filled his suit with a salty substance and blamed his Zipper :smt065 :rofl:
I couldn't resist :neener: :tomatoe:
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Re: Saturday club dive

Post by Dusty2 »

Ah Yes but the wife felt so sorry for me it got me a new dry suit! :neener: :neener: :neener:
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Re: Saturday club dive

Post by BASSMAN »

:idea:... :dontknow: ... :evil4: ... \:D/
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Re: Saturday club dive

Post by Aquanautchuck »

It was great to dive with you Spatman. I could not figure out what you were doing with the camera until you flipped it the bird. I know that underwater signal. :computersmash: By the way, what were you pointing out to me in the small hole in the pipe railing? My eyes are not to good close up underwater any more. Sorry I skipped a second dive. I just have to get dry gloves and my rock boots have gotten so tight my feet freeze.

There were a bunch of Oregon divers there. It was fun to see all you and my old friends. We need to do this again when it is warm. ScubaGirl gets the gold star for having to drive the farthest. I complain about 3 or 4 hour drives to dive and that barely gets her to Portland. See you all soon I hope.
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Re: Saturday club dive

Post by spatman »

Aquanautchuck wrote: By the way, what were you pointing out to me in the small hole in the pipe railing?
there's a resident warbonnet there. here's a pic of it from a different day.
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