South Sound 7/8

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South Sound 7/8

Post by YellowEye »

South Sound 7/8 -- who do we appreciate? Tom! :joshsmith:

Thanks to Tom Nic for arranging a nice series of dives yesterday. I joined him for the night dive, along with 4 others at DIW -- great diving!

Here were some of my pics. Notably, I didn't see any nudis on this dive (though penders did see 3 clown nudis). Lots of crabs (especially the type of the second photo) and buffalo sculpin of all colors! There were even a few small sunflower stars about.
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Tom Nic
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Re: South Sound 7/8

Post by Tom Nic »

Thanks for starting this report and getting me off my lazy butt!

I tossed out a ton of PM's for diving the 4 day current window - ended up getting 4 dives, not as many as I had hoped but still great.

Dive #1:
We started the morning of the 8th at TTN - JohnClark, Cardiver, and myself geared up in the morning sun and sweated our butts off getting to the water. We were drifting South on our mini-surface swim, so decided to drop and get out of the current. Right. In the rush to get in the water I had forgotten to hook up my dry suit inflator. When we finally dropped the current was screaming, and to make a long story short Adrian and Ron (rightfully) called the dive due to current.

The Three Tree curse strikes again. Or at least when Ron and I attempt to do Three Tree. :penelope: Hmmm..... Ron and I need to pull off an uneventful dive here if it kills us! Or, on second thought, let me rephrase that....

Dive #2:
Bassman, Pogiguy05, and myself made it to Titlow. Sun was gorgeous, people were out in droves, just a beautiful day. I managed to find some shade, and we waited for the current window. We put our fins on at about 3:30 and begin the long surface slog to the twin pilings to the South of the dolphins. We had a pretty decent surface current against us so it too a bit longer than we had hoped. Catching our breath we dropped and kicked out to the ledges and began to snoop around for hidden critters. GPO's and crab and Orange Sea Cucumbers were everywhere, but the schmutz was flying and everything was tucked WAY inside crevices making photo opps pretty scarce. In hindsight I should have gone straight to the dolphins and spent more time poking around in nooks and crannies there - much more visible and accessible life.

Bassman lost a boot again, but this time he had buddies to cram them back on his foot and get him finned up. :smt064 I'll leave it at that and let him tell the story should he so choose.

Dive #3:
After a quick bite to eat I drove the short 5 minutes to Day Island Wall, picked a spot and walked down to the water to just chill in the afternoon beauty - and it was spectacular! A raft of geese floated by in the current, led by a Mom and 4 precocious youngsters that pretty much ignored me as they attempted to find an afternoon snack in the shallows.

Cardiver showed up, then Johndo88 and bride, then Yelloweye rolled in followed by MPenders and we had ourselves a mini-club dive!

We got stared down by Mr. Angry... you are really a nobody if you've never been stared down by Mr. Angry. And to quote Forrest Gump - "That's all I've got to say about that." :angry:

We were finning up an hour and 15 minutes before north end slack due to Mr. Penders excellent planning, and we swam out, dropped on the wall, and drifted north gently for 35 minutes before turning with perfect slack and then riding the gentle current back south to our exit. "I love it when a plan comes together!" (Why yes, I AM quoting the A-Team!) :tomnic:

Wonderful dive, wonderful NWDC buddies, all in all a fantastic day!

ImageP7083940 by [url=]ImageP7083913 by [url=]ImageP7083948 by [url=]
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Re: South Sound 7/8

Post by cardiver »

Great dive timed perfectly!
-Ron T.
"When I'm 80 I'll take up real diving, which is done in a pub..." Ray Ives.
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