Dalco and Sunrise

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Dalco and Sunrise

Post by mancub »

No work today, because the bank is closed on Veteran's Day, whoohoo! Happy Veteran's Day to you all.
Decided to hop on a boat for the day and oh boy it was worth it! My buddy/roommate and I met up two other buddy's in Tacoma and hopped on the Sampan. Only 6 divers (customers) one crew member dove and two skippers/captains...lots of space! We first dove Dalco Wall then to Sunrise.

Dalco was excellent. Possibly because it was my first time to the site. But going over the abyss-like lip of the wall was exciting, then deep on the wall to see the largest pair of wolfies to date (for me) was worth the trip. Further along, we spotted a big GPO hiding out in the open, and slowly making his way. Some grunt sculpins, sea squirt, all the usual fishies and just some really cool rock formations.

Sunrise current was dead, however the visibility was consequently less than Dalco. Saw a massive wolf eel and he even swam out of his den to eat a nearby urchin in front of us. Saw another larger GPO out in the open moving gracefully and curiously like they do so wonderfully. And less than 10 feet from him, a deep cavernous den with a white-colored GPO hiding out. Around the corner another massive tentacle visible amongst the boulders. Great dive with 4 or 5 or I don't even know how many GPO sightings! And at least 2 big wolfies, a wee grunt sculpin, and an unsurprising lack of crab...what with all the big guys hanging around.

The GPOs and wolf eels stole the show today. The most of each that I have seen on two individual dives, and some of if not the largest. I definitely can't wait to call up my newly formed friends and see when they've got a boat making a run for some sweet NW diving.
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