11-Nov-2019 Titlow + Les Davis

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11-Nov-2019 Titlow + Les Davis

Post by iotium »

The wife/buddy and I did a dive at Titlow yesterday morning with two friends who are hardcore swimmers but softcore divers. We decided Titlow would be good for them because it's shallow, close to shore, and we knew they wouldn't mind swimming against the current if required. It was a sunny day and low tide so we barely even needed lights! I also had a new gopro macro lens that I wanted to try out. Turns out the focal length was much shorter than I thought so I mostly got blurry garbage, but luckily I still got a couple of good shots of crabs.
titlow in all its glory
titlow in all its glory
dive buddy trying to blind me
dive buddy trying to blind me
kelp crab ready to attack
kelp crab ready to attack
rock crab ready to flee
rock crab ready to flee
After a lengthy pizza lunch, the wife/buddy and I ditched our friends and went to Les Davis for a second dive. It started in true Les Davis style with a couple of bikers in leather jackets parking near us, smoking joints and asking us about scuba diving. Also, because we can't read a clock and it was 4:30 pm in tacoma in november, our afternoon dive quickly became a night dive which we were not emotionally prepared for. The visibility was on the low side too, adding to the ambiance.
this sums up the dive nicely
this sums up the dive nicely
les davis at twilight
les davis at twilight
I also saw a couple of these crabs that I don't recall seeing before. Does anyone know what they are?
new crab
new crab
Right before the end of the dive I came across an awesome sailfin sculpin sitting out in the sand. Tragically I still hadn't figured out the focal length of my macro lens so this was the best I got of the little bugger:
sailfin sculpin
sailfin sculpin
The dive ended once more in true Les Davis style - a guy pulled up next to us, laid down on the hood of his car and smoked while blasting hip hop and giving us a sound track to packing up dive gear in the dark.
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Re: 11-Nov-2019 Titlow + Les Davis

Post by YellowEye »

Nice report! Looks like a fun day. Hope your swimmer friends had fun.

That crab you are asking about is a helmet crab.

Here's a nice id reference from my buddy Keith if you haven't seen it:
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