Dive report: Threetree 07.06.06

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Dive report: Threetree 07.06.06

Post by sandman98007 »

I came for the dive at Threetree on 07.06.06.... didn't RSVP. My mistake. Luckly there were some Marker Buoy's there and the diving was on. Here is the dive report with photos.

We splashed at 19:15 at the house with the antlers. Surf was 2-4 feet with the wind and made the swim to the drop point a lot of fun.... Dropped to about 60' and low and behold there were 3 rat fish there to greet us. They were quite friendly and got quite close.... see photos. Vis was typical. At 80' vis was 10-15 with a lot of suspended stuff in the water. No surge or current was noted. Scott and I paired since we were the one with doubles and we headed north. A nice slow swim to the location were the wolf eels hang out, and on the way we noted a nice octo. Tried to get some photos, but they did not come out. The wolf eels were home and that was when we decided to turn the dive. Water temp was 56 degree and the swim was comfortable.

A slow acent and we headed back. Stopped by the boat and did not find much. Typical life for this time of year. Got a photo of the black tube worms. Sole was plentiful, but not in as abundance as noted in earlier dive. One small Aeolid was noted, but did not get a very good photo. Countined the and ascent and had a 2 min saftey stop at 20'.

All in all, a good dive. Max depth was 86' and total time was 56 min.

Here are the photos, not the best, but please enjoy.

It's ALL good in the world today ......
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Sergeant Pepper
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Post by Sergeant Pepper »

Sorry SkubaK. I should have just shown up, but I didn't know anyone else was going to be there. Bassman called and said he wouldn't be able to make it becasue he was involved in a car accident. I think he is ok. Probably a little rattled, and has a sore neck, so we called the dive. Hope to dive with you soon.
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Post by RSdancey »

I've done a couple of dives at 3TP. Could someone in the know post a map o the underwater locations? Every time we've been there we've spent our time looking at heaps of old tires and not much else; we'd like to see more of the sights!

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